Emire Khidayer

  • Slovenčina (Slovenská republika)
  • English (United Kingdom)



The Orient in Eastern Slovakia

Looking forward to seeing you in Eastern Slovakia as it follows:

Nov 18 at 12,30 hrs: A Presentation for High School students: How do the Arabs live?, Library in Vranov over Topla
Nov 18 at 4 pm: A Talk-show: Dubai Secrets and Arab Desires, Library in Vranov over Topla
Nov 19 at 4 pm: A Talk-show: Dubai Secrets and News on Arab people, Library in Michalovce


DUBAI SECRETS on Czech Radio Channels

The Czech version of my book Dubai Secrets has appeared on a beautiful day of October 17, 2013. This is the reason why I will be a guest on some Czech radios, i.e.:

Oct 24, 2013 at 11 am on Czech Radio 2 in a program She Is as She Is 
Nov 29, 2013 at 9 am in Tandem Talk-show of Jan Rosák, Czech Radio Region and at 9 pm at Czech regional channels


TAJE DUBAJE: Akcie v Čechách 22.-25.10.2013

Akcie v ČR v súvislosti s vydaním knihy TAJE DUBAJE:

22.10. o 17 hod.: beseda v Alžbětiných lázních, Karlovy Vary
23.10. o 10 hod.: prezentácia + beseda so študentami Prvního českého gymnázia, Karlovy Vary
23.10 o 17 hod.: "Taje Dubaje a jiné Arábie" - beseda v Středočeské věděcké knihovně, Kladno
24.10. o 17 hod.: krst knihy Taje Dubaje, kníhkupectví Academia, Praha
25.10. o 9,50 hod.: rozhovor na ČT24, Studio 6 


Dubai Secrets with Author´s signature

On May 13, 2013 my most personal book in a form of a novel saw the light of the world.
Dubai Secrets is a book on life experience from Dubai with hints of personal repercussions. These arise from my innermost, but also from outer moments confronting life in its various forms.
Dubai Secrets are my first book from the edition "All that glitters". At the same time it is the first of printed books which I publish in my own Publishing House. Here, on my website in the e-shop is the only place where are Dubai Secrets together with my other books at the disposal with my signature.


Dubai Secrets in Czech

Also you, my Czech readers can enjoy reading my Dubai Secrets in your own language. Again in a fabulous translation of Mr. Emil Charous who is already working on it. I hope everything will proceed as designed and I expect it will be published in October 2013.


My books at Kartago tours branches

All over Slovakia in all 16 branches of a travel agency Kartago tours you can buy all my books - The Arab World - Another Planet?, Life the Arab Way and Tales from Sumhuram. You travel, you read, you learn!


A new book in the process!

Currently I am in the process of gaining material for my upcoming book "The Arab Food Culture" for which I have chosen a famous Slovak documentary photographer Alan Hyza. Trips to the Arab countries are sponsored by given companies and organisations and the BLISS.

Last trips to the Middle East
Since March 2011 I visited a number of Middle Eastern countries, primarily to get material for "The Arab Food Culture" book, but at the same time to see with my own eyes, to feel with my own sences the lastest changes of the Arab peoples. Among those countries visited were: Sudan, Morocco, Egypt, Oman, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Yemen, Djibouti, Emirates, Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon and Tunisia. BIG THANKS to all my sponsors and partners on the logo panel.

With a vendor in a village on the slope of the Green Mountains in Oman